Barrel Reamer Components
We understand that some customers have the capabilities to build their own Barrel Reamers. If you have the capabilities to fabricate your own Barrel Reamer, we can help you build your tool inventory with our high quality Barrel Reamer Components.
By providing detailed information on the following components, we can assist you in acquiring the necessary parts for the type and size barrel reamer you are looking to build.
Barrel Reamer Components
- Size (Length & O.D.)
- Threads (4 ½ I.F. / 5 ½ FHDS/ 6 5/8″ FHDS
- Configuration ( Pin x Box or Box x Box)
Center Ring/Body
- O.D.
- Thickness
- Length
End Caps (1/2″ Thick)
- Jets (Sizes 12/32nd – 20/32nd)
- Quantity
Blocks & Teeth
- Quantity
- Baffled yes or no